
What does a guys o****m feel like?

by  |  earlier

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or do you even have them?!




  1. Yes, us guys have orgasms.  They involve intense feelings of pleasure that are especially focused on the genital area and they result in ejaculation of s***n and sperm from the p***s.  This ejaculation, is designed to facilitate sperm moving up the vaginal canal to fertilize and egg in the female and start a pregnancy.  

  2. hold your breath for as long as you can. then let it out. it kind of feels like that but in your "good parts"

    that is as close to it as i can think of  

  3. yes, they feel incredible

    i dunno, kinda like when you haven't stretched in a really long time and then you do it...well, like that times 2 but in your p***s

  4. Yeah we have them haha!!! But they are the best feeling in the world. It just like you are being kissed by a bunch of naked angels all over your body!!! God they are great. And even better with someone else getting you off for you!!

    I hope I have answered your question.


  6. Who's asking?  For lack of a better explanation it feels 'out of this world!'

  7. of course guys have them...

  8. The only way to describe it is "good."

    And of course we get them.  Why do you think guys are obsessed with s*x?  

  9. I believe men have them even more often than women considering how often guys m********e.

  10. Yeah we have them. I cant really go into detail about how it feels though sorry. But i think i can some it up in one word... ecstasy!  

  11. ofcourse

  12. You must be a girl. How the fuvk can you ask does a guy have an o****m?


    How to describe?...... .....I can't

  14. yes we have them but you just cant explain it

  15. Its like urinating, your reliefing yourself, and comes out of your p***s.

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