
What does a high white cell count on your cervix mean?

by Guest32755  |  earlier

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I went to the doctor on yesterday and I have a bacterial infection and a yeast infection. YIKES! The doctor aldo told me that I had a high white cell count on my uterus. She told me this was nothing to be alarmed about and more than likely it is because I have two different infections at one time, but I have had a bacterial infection before and was never told I have a high white cell count. I have been with the same partner for 7 years and have never had a STD. Can someone please help me????




  1. The high white cell count is a healthy sign that your body is fighting the bacteria present.  A bacterial infection isn't an STD although it's very common amongst women who are sexually active.  Don't worry!  Basically you're healthy.  Your body's doing what it needs to do.  If you get another yeast/bacterial infection after treatment your partner may need to be treated as well.  If you're both treated and it happens again you may want to have a talk about fidelity.  

    Take care!

  2. Hi,

    I know exactly how you feel! I used to suffer from yeast infections constantly and no matter how many different creams and pills I tried it always came back :(

    I was so embarrassed by it that I couldn't bare to keep going to the doctors. In the end I found this website on the internet which changed everything and made me feel myself again. If you want to take a look, it's at

    Hope it works for u too!

  3. it means that your white cells are fighting the infection! which is a good sign that your body is working right

  4. You misunderstood. Your high white cell count is not in your uterus or cervix - it's in your blood, throughout your body, and it means your body is fighting an infection. Its a normal defense mechanism, and nothing to be alarmed about.

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