
What does a horseshoe do?

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What does a horseshoe do?




  1. It protects the bottom of the hoof where there is a part called a "frog" it is a very sensitive area of the hoof and could be fatal to a horse if it stepped on a sharp rock or other material. Horseshoes also protect the hoof from wear exactly as shoes do for us.

    so it is pretty much the same thing as shoes are for us. Theres nothing else to it.

  2. No matter what anyone tells does not bring good luck..thats what it doesn't do.

  3. It protects a horses hoof. Horses are meant to walk on dirt or grass, not concrete or any of the other surfaces we walk them on. Also, it helps with the extra weight of a rider.

  4. Protect a horse's hooves by providing a barrier between the actual hoof and the surface on which it is walking.


  6. it rings a little pole when you toss it. haha.

    it really protects the horses hooves on rough terrain.

  7. A horeshoe makes it comfortable for a h**e to walk without a horse shoe on it would hurt the horse

  8. A horse shoe keeps the horse's hoof from splitting and splintering. Hard surfaces and the high impact from the animals weight can split the hoof which is really bad for the horse. the Horse shoe holds the hoof together as well as work as a semi cushion for the hoof.

  9. it protects the hooves dont know why though

  10. If it's on a horse, it protects their hooves.

    If it's above your doorway, it brings you luck.

    If you throw it closest to the stake it gets you 1 point unless it's a ringer, then it gets you 3.

    If you throw it at someone, it will likely draw blood.

    I think that's everything.

  11. Protects a horse's hoof from breaks, cracks & provides protection from hard surfaces.

  12. It protects the horse's hooves from everyday wear and tear, much the same reason why human's where shoes.  The below link gives more detailed information.

  13. A horse's hoof is very much like a very tough and thick fingernail. Of course a horse weighs a lot. when horses ran free on grass the hooves were great protection and served as they were.

    When men brought horses onto hard stone, rock, or concrete the ground no longer had the "give" that grass does. This resulted is splitting of the hooves and injury to the horse.

    the horseshoe is simply nailed onto the bottom (painless) and give much needed protection for the horse's hoof.

  14. Goes on the horses hoof to keep them from getting messed up.  B

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