
What does a hot flash feel like?

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Does it feel like your blood is on fire?




  1. hey,

    i have had a hysterectomy 5 years ago 3 days after i had the surgery i started having hot and cold flashes.they are pure he.... you get really hot from your bottom of your breast and all over your face some people say they get them down there legs and feet when i get a hot flash i get moody and miserable and my nerves bother me while i have the hot flash i sweat severely and after the hot flash subsides i get so cold because of the sweat some times i get cold chills and they are from head to toe and i try every thing to warm but i cant i am naturally cold natured so its bad but every ones body is different if i had not of had cervical cancer i would of never had it done it causes you bones to like get older or something i have had the worst back pain since my hysterectomy i am only 34 and i had it done when i was almost 29 i turned 29 2 months later if i could take it back trust me i would i get so moody and i still have symptoms of period's and hurt from scar tissue really bad but i had 12 periscopes before the hysterectomy and they took each ovary out one at a time so i in all had 15 female operations i feel like crying some days i feel like laughing some days and i get so mad sometimes i get sick my body hurts continuously and i never took a pain pill in my life even during surgery but know my back hurts so bad   know i have to take medicine sometimes and i hate to take pain killers they are so addictive .i would have dyed if i had not had the surgery so i did but i would never suggest anyone to have one unless it would save there life .i hope to hear from you if this helped you out atall e-mail me at i hope you are not having such as hard of a time as i do because if you are  i feel sorry for you .they are not any medication thats helps but for your bone density i would start to take some calsium and vitiamin d  

               hope to hear from you soon  take care SUZIE  

  2. Don"t understand what you are asking.

  3.   Your sitting there one minute just fine and the next your really really hot and then you go back to being like you were before u had it.

  4. ugh...rotton..but to be more feels like the room just jumped could even make you a bit dizzy and makes you feel like you need to throw your clothes off immediatly and cover in wet towels...which is what I do ;)

  5. It feels like you've started running a fever, you're temp has went up about 30 degrees, you have too many clothes on even when you're wearing nothing.   I start sweating, I get light headed, I can't get cooled fast enough, and I always feel like I need a shower.  I want to stand out in the snow.  I have seriously considered moving to Alaska just for the snow!  My air conditioner is set between 70 - 72 and THAT'S not always cool enough!  There are times I stand in front of the freezer!

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