
What does a hummer get for gas mileage?

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What does a hummer get for gas mileage?




  1. Poor mileage.  It also depends upon how you drive them.  The mileage range from around 14 MPG when lightly loaded in cruise on long trips on the open highway down towards 7 MPG when loaded towing in boulevard conditions.

  2. Average=9 miles per gallon.

  3. 8-12 mpg. Almost the same as the Chevy Tahoe and such. Even the new one's get only about 14 mpg highway. I wouldn't recommend one to you due to the price you'd pay for gas, and the angry hippies that would key your car and bust your windows and write "ride a bike"! on the bumpers in spray paint.  

  4. You mean how many gallons per mile?

  5. A Hummer has gas mileage??  I thot it was gas footage!!!

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