
What does a insurance adjuster mean when he say that he has to re evateted your claim?

by  |  earlier

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i had a back injury i been injred foe 8 months




  1. It's pretty standard procedure and it's not always a bad sign. It basically means that they are going to recheck everything such as the doctor's evaluations, diagnosis and treatment.

    Really, what they are looking for is legitimate reasons to stop payment such as the treatment going better than anticipated. Also, they may be looking for another reason to deny your claim such as your concealment of something that caused the back trouble or misrepresentation of something that you excluded from the claim.

    That said, if you are with a reputable insurance company and did nothing dishonest on your end, you shouldn't worry about it much. To check out your company's reputation check out the links below. If they have a bad reputation then I suggest you start getting your ducks in order.

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