
What does a lady wear to an awards ceremony lunch at the savoy hotel london. dress code smart?

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What does a lady wear to an awards ceremony lunch at the savoy hotel london. dress code smart?




  1. The old tried and true little black dress.  Simple diamond necklace and earrings and or pearls.  Shoes to match the dress..wa  la.....s**y and sharp!

  2. a s**y dress, not overly revealing, no hat.

  3. Silk....muted colors with conservative heels is ALWAYS classy.  Simple black dress if you don't have the suit, don't get carried away on the heels, and keep the jewelry modest.

  4. silk dress with matching coat.

    an elegant suit.

    high heels..

    tasteful jewellery.

    i don't know your age....but since it's a luncheon i would keep it elegantly appropriate.

  5. Smart casual - no jeans or trainers

  6. Classy with matching accessesories- the little black dress never fails!!

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