
What does a man feel when he has intercourse?

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What does a man feel when he has intercourse?




  1. like your getting a bj from a v****a

  2. the answer changes greatly depending on whether he is circumcised or intact, intact has a gliding sensation and little friction as the f******n glides the p***s in and out with little friction, whereas a circumcised p***s has been reduced to nothing more then a stick as far as mechanisms go

    the head of an intact p***s will feel more while a cut p***s will rely on the sensation of the shaft skin around the circ scar for most of the sensation, due to fewer nerves cut men are more obsessed with "tightness"

  3. He feels excstasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You know the song:I'm in heaven?

    That's how it feels like


  5. Immense feeling of togetherness with my partner. Its like my ultimate desire is being fulfilled. The thrill of being so intimate with my gf is intense. I know however that wen i climax im going to feel immensely happy for like 3 secs...then i will go flat. Afterwards, I lie there thinking that this is why I was born, this is why god made us have those organs. I feel good, then I sink into a deep depression and ask myself is there anything more? is there anything more meaningful?

  6. its the best, and you get the same good feeling when you masturbade, it just feels so good, especially when i nut, thats the best 30 seconds EVER!

  7. It kind of like when you have to pee but you're holding it in. Then you finally get to a bathroom and just let 'er rip.

    Yeah, it's kinda like that but way better.

  8. Whats an intercourse? ☺

  9. Intense pleasure and relief from sexual tension when he ejaculates.  Same feeling that a man gets when he masturbates.

    But with intercourse, he also has a feeling of 'bonding' with his partner -- his body becomes one with the partner and they share the most intimate moment one can have in life.  Nothing like it for a satisfied feeling.

    However, if you are very young, don't rush it.  You really only want to do intercourse when you are fully mature and can handle a relationship rather than just using another person for your own needs.  That is not very satisfying at all.  If it is just sexual release you need, then a solo s*x act (masturbation) does the job.

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