
What does a medium do - what is the difference between a clairvoyant and a medium?

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I had my aura colours read today by a medium who approached me whilst I was at work - what is the difference between a clairvoyant and a medium and could he have been sent by my late parents ?




  1. A clairvoyant is one who sees; this can be recieving symbolic imagery or visions through the subconscious mind and the higher self. They often use tools ie; Tarot, Runes or forms of scrying.

    A medium is a channel for spirit; they contact or ecieve messages from other spirits, usually those assumed dead or not of this world. In theory the become the vechile through which the bodyless spirit an speak.

  2. medium's talk to ghosts clairvoyant's see the future

  3. A medium usually deals in communication between the living and the dead, while a clairvoyant typically deals with knowledge/visions of the living. These are general definitions and there are exceptions I'm sure.

    From a scientific perspective, there is utterly no evidence that mediums or clairvoyants have actual powers, and based on the lack of evidence for their extraordinary claims, I don't believe that your deceased parents had anything to do with this fellow who approached you at work.

  4. Medium's something of an archaic term.  It usually refers to whomever calls herself [and occasionally himself] by that label.  It happens people who call themselves mediums mostly claim to communicate with the dead, or to various entities.

    Clairvoyant is a more recent term that's frequently used interchangably with 'psychic', neither of which necessarily nails down a particular meaning to the words.  Usually people who call themselves clairvoyant or psychic are involved in some commercial permutation of the metaphysical business.

    People who use paranormal skills for other purposes than pure commercialism usually are more specific in what they call themselves.  Remote viewers, dowsers, energy healers, Quantum Touch healers, Reiki practicioners, Silva practicioners, labels along those lines.

  5. You had your aura read?  You think the medium was sent by a deceased person?  You think there's a difference between  medium and a clairvoyant?  You are knee deep in the fantasy world.

  6. A Clairvoyant predicts one's future ahead. A Medium explains as being in the centre of something. Medium in this instance is being in between the living and the dead and transports messages from the other side if you believe in any of it. Although it has not been proved or disproved either way, you have to make your own decision on the issue.

  7. Medium:  pretends to contact the "spirit world" to bilk you out of money.

    Clairvoyant:  pretends to see the future to bilk you out of money.

    It's more likely that the tax accountant was sent to you by your late parents.

  8. A medium pretends to speak to the dead.A clairvoyant pretends to see the future.Sometimes people pretend to have different powers.It's all a bunch of hooey and only silly,foolish people believe in it.

  9. Like its been said, mediums allegedly talk to the dead while clairvoyants allegedly see the future.

    Since you can do neither, you have to take thier word for it. Mediums tend to prey on people who have recently lost someone and are emotionally vulnerable.

    Clairvoyants tend to prey on people who already believe in psychic abilities.

    The Bible says that both of these activities are sins and are forbidden by God. If you believe in God, stay away from these people.

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