
What does a near death in horrific car accident dream mean?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream last night that I was following my boyfriend on a busy freeway and I was driving my Scion XB during the time of me following him I had lost sight of him. I called him to find out where he went and as soon as I hung up the phone I lost control of my car and flipped it and ended down in a ditch near a railroad track.. the top of my scion was completely ripped off I was laying in front of my car with the top of my car next to me... I'm whining "heeelp.. somebody help me!!! I was all cut up and couldn't move my legs were twisted in ways they shouldn't be I had huge gashes in my face/head and i was going in an out of consciousness... Finally I faintly see people running down to me screaming but I can hear a word there saying while 3 people make sure I'm ok and do what ever they can to help me while one person was on the phone calling 911 then i slowly black out.... I then woke up right away shaking my heart was pounding and i was kinda sweaty I couldn't fall back asleep for a while... So what could this mean... can it be a Premonition, or an out of body experience?




  1. Your dream simply represents basic fears emotions we all have.

    -The fear of dying or being severely injured.

    -The fear of separation from your boyfriend or others.

    -The fear of helplessness (I lost control of my car)

      These are very common and your dream represents your minds' way of dealing with it all.

      Dreams are only premonitions in movies and rare coincidences.

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