
What does a page typed in Microsoft Word translate into in a published book?

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If I've typed 22 pages in Microsoft word, Double spaced, 6,565 words, 36,617 characters with spaces, what would that look like in a published book?




  1. depends what font you're using. courier new size 12? that's the font you're supposed to use.

    go to the top of the page and find the little open book icon that says "read" and it will show you what your book looks like as a book.

  2. A story of 6,565 words would be a long short story.

    A novella is considered to be about 17,000 to 40,000 words.

    A novel usually contains at least 10,000 words, with the gray area around the top length of a novella being around 7,500 words.

    and experience.

    Suggest you use the link above and click on 'novel vs. novella' in the Content Box.

    If you don't want to, you'd see this there: 1-99 pages = short story, 100-199 pages = novella and 200 pages or more = novel. And those definitions are, for the most part, agreed upon, though the length of a novella is still a bone to pick for some.

    (Interesting fact: The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway, a novella, almost didn't get it's Pulitzer due to its short length and the fact that Pulitzers are for novels.)

    A double-spaced MS Word page in Times New Roman font size 12 is usually about 250 words, maybe a bit more depending on your set-up.

    ADD: Unless a publisher says otherwise, Times New Roman font size 12 is what to use when writing a manuscript.

  3. It depends on the book, but I also wondered this once so I just typed up a page out of a book and did the math. It came out to about a page in Microsoft equaling 2 pages in a book.

    But I don't remember if it was double spaced or not.

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