
What does a person do if they want to throw a party for about 30 people? It's a company party.?

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Can you call a catering company? I have already tried hotels and restaraunts and they are requiring a $700-$2000 deposit! I don't have that kind of money. What are my options here? The party is going to be a bunch of high class people so I want it to be indoors for sure. My apartment is too small. HELP!




  1. if you want a classy party for these people I would suggest to find a nice bar/restaurant where you can have a cocktail party with appetizers. you can pre-buy some beer and bottles of wine so guests can drink that for free and just have them purchase any other specialty drinks they may want. then order up some plates of their appetizers to have out on a table that is set up for you guys. that way it is a bit more casual rather than all sitting around a table staring at each other- you can walk around and chat with everyone and have food and drinks! look for a cool spot that might have some live music like a jazz band or something.

  2. This may sound odd, but get a HUGE sub from subway or something. It is a LOT more economical. Buy a lot of appetizers like a veggie and cheese tray.  If your apartment is too small and there is just no where else to go then place ALL the furniture into one room and use the empty room with fewer furniture. Good luck!

  3. If you want to throw a party with professional food and drink for 30 people $700 is on the low end at $25/person. If everyone can be expected to pitch in, rather than you picking up the bill, you can ask for a check with the RSVP from the invitations.

    If you want it in a public place restaurants might offer cheaper rates for nights they are normally closed. A bar/night club might be willing to open earlier than usual and allow 3rd party catering if they don't have their own kitchen. If you call a number of catering companies, their representatives will be able to walk you through what you can get for your money, and they are much better informed on local venues and different ideas for your party.

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