
What does a rabbit have to do with an egg?

by Guest63887  |  earlier

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What does a rabbit have to do with an egg?




  1. They are symbols of fertility give to the christians by the pagans, why don't you people who gave negative ratings to those who know the truth, do your research first before giving negative ratings to someone.

  2. whaaaaaat?

  3. What does Jesus ressurection have to do with a bunny and what does a bunny have to do with and egg?  Theres alot of questions but all thats man made its really to celebrate Jesus resurection.

  4. Hi! rabbits p**p eggs

    i.e. Cadbury Bunny

  5. nothing at all, eggs and rabbits are  pagan symbols of fertility re:Ashtaroth=(easter)=pagan fertility goddess

  6. hide it?

  7. Rabbits and eggs are spring time symbols of new life.

  8. Actually it is pagen...  "Eastre is the name of a fertility godess whose festival was celebrated in the spring, when new life was blooming all around.  Her celebrations were replete with symbols of fertility, including eggs (symbols of new life) painted in bright colors ( representing the bright colors of spring) and bunnies (prolific propagators and, thereby, symbols of fertility), in other words, in the spring you could still celebrate the "resurrection" of new life all around you but the uliimate reason to celebrate was Jesus' resurrection from the dead. "

    chrisitians addopted the name Easter from the godess Eastre

  9. Thats why they hide their eggs, because they don't want anybody to know they had s*x with roosters.

  10. Both are symbols of fertility.


  11. It just represents all the Eastery things: like babies, colors of the flowers and trees, etc....

    But we all really know what Easters all about: Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. I wonder who made up the Easter bunny and all that?

  12. It's nothing to do with Pagan symbols. It's Celtic. The Goddess of Spring takes the form of a rabbit. The ancient Celts believed the rabbit was in the moon. The moon hare would lay eggs for the children to eat. This is the origin of the Easter Bunny, a sacred animal.

  13. They both have to do w/ easter

  14. I aggree with Vada G.. Eastre was a pagen godess of fertility and Christians adopted the name to Easter to celebrate Jesus' ressurection from the dead. And eggs and bunnies both symbolize fertility.. (Life)

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