
What does a raw vegan eat in the winter?

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I sincerely ask because I do not know. I enjoy my garden fresh veggies raw! It's amazing! So crisp and true! Why would I cook them? that's silly. But I do eat a lot of lentils... beans... oat groats, .. . sometimes -rarely- pasta. (shrugs).

What if you are poor? How could one be a raw vegan on a low budget? Beans are pretty inexpensive. I save lots of money by not eating meat. So, I can buy lots of interesting spices! I like Turmeric a lot now! It's only about six cents in bulk! Curry (which contains turmeric and other spices) was actually costing me $4.19 for organic! yikes!




  1. I eat the same things I eat in the summer- fruit smoothies, nut burgers, flax seed crackers, onion bread.....

    Whole Foods is open year round.

    As a raw foodist, I spend less at the grocery store than most people, since I don't buy processed and packaged foods, sodas, beer...

    And many "poor" people spend a disproportionate amount of income on fast food- a problem raw foodists don't have.


  2. Well, here's an blog post on staying warm in the winter if you are a raw vegan on a budget:

    My first thought is there is quite a few seasonal fruits and veggies in winter (oranges/citrus are a big one) including many hardy leafy greens such as chard and kale. Unfortunately, while squash keep a long time, they usually need cooking but the delicata squash is quite yummy sliced up and eaten raw (the skin is edible too) and apples and pears are usually quite available. Also sunchokes are delicious. Grate them up to add to stuff or eat in slices. Broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are usually very available too as is cabbage (make slaws with all of them). Carrots can be really good especially after the first frost sends a bunch of sugar into the root.

    And of course, lots of seeds and nuts (including the nut butters)! :)

    I think dried fruits are okay too. Lara Bars are raw as are Smart Monkey bars.

    Do an internet search for "Raw Vegan Forum" and you can find one or several that suit you to ask questions and find out what others do for seasonal eating (though I suspect some don't even consider it).

    Also look for spices and herbs in bulk. Even though some seem expensive per pound little is usually needed because they will be so light it's a great way to save money on flavorings. You can buy just what you need and not end up with a bunch that needs to be tossed (or composted). The best for bulk is usually a co-op (but other stores will have them):

    Some curry powder ingredients are: black pepper, chile pepper, cloves, coriander, fenugreek, cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, ginger, tumeric and nutmeg. You can mix your own curry powder according to your tastes.

  3. The eat the same foods in the winter. Grocery store? Hello.

    Veges are some of the cheapest foods out there.

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