
What does a scientist want in a research center?

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My assignment is to design a science research center (atmosphere science research center to be exact) for class and I am wondering if there are any scientists out there who would please tell me what they think is most important in that center. Thank you.




  1. Never, ever, forget a good coffee machine.


  2. I am having research center in my house with the fallowing instruments. Just because I was having these instruments in my house I can observe the situation for all the 24 hours. That helped me to issue the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast. But my warning was ignored. Our meteorological department is having high precission equipments at seismic station only.They failed to alert the people because the major earthquake was recorded  on Sunday at early morning only.


    1. Early warning system for earthquake                                                                           2. T S S quake alarm.

          3. T S S Quake alarm for commercial use.

    .     4. Frequency finder.

          5. Direction finder.    

    6. Primary wave sensor (Distance finder)..

    7. S,L,R waves sensor.

    8, Shaking table.

          9. Computer with interfacing for conversion to seismograph

          10. E.C.G.Machine portable.

    11 Quake alarm

    12 Quake guard...

    13. Distance finder


  3. Money and communications, a competent librarian that can help run down the odd articles and help make sense of bibliographies.  A trained indexer.  Trained technicians to maintain  or build whatever equipment is needed.Contact with people in closely related fields but not so close they can steal your ideas.  But close enough that they can push your ideas along without earning a right to shared recognition.  

    The money must be available without too much supervision to be spent as the researcher sees fit.  The administrator of the center should be experienced in research but  old enough or not good enough in research to admit he should concentrate on administration and the constant search for more money.  Connections with programs of graduate students to do the grunt work and daily tedium and source of ideas from fresh minds not locked into their own pet theories yet.

    I realize this is far from what your teacher is saying is the ideal research center but this is closer to true.  There is no ideal research center but all good ones have great in house libraries, librarians, students and technicians that are overachievers.  The shape of the building (s) doesn't matter and specialized machinery and rooms are always available someplace for rent or loan.  If not, improvise.

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