
What does a senior manager of Operations do? ?

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How does it differ to logistics?




  1. Operations really is an umbrella, usually relating to the physical processes that transform product inputs into completed articles.

    As a Senior Manager, they are likely to be more concerned with strategic issues and philosophies regarding how processes are run, rather then more direct man management which is left to line managers and team leaders.

    Some Senior Managers do however remain more involved with physical processes, such as exponents of Lean methodologies, strategies developed from observation of the Toyota Production System. This strategy encourages managers to 'go and see for themselves' and keeps them involved in day to day operations, after all how can you really define strategy if you don't understand what it is that your company really does?

    To say that managers higher up the chain do less work is unfair, it's just a different kind of work that employs a different and less common skill-set. Good Senior Managers can truly make a company and transform its fortunes, though these same managers will credit the workers with that transformation. Management is a support role, not directly value adding to the processes. I think most people would agree though that effective leaders and leadership transform a group of ordinary people into an extraordinary team.

  2. Any job including the title "manager" means you do less work for more money and have people to fire if it all goes ****-up

    It was meant as a joke! hahaha no?

  3. process, supply chain.....

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