
What does a shooter sleeve do?

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What does a shooter sleeve do?




  1. keeps you warm so you are still able to do your motion, and so you don't injure yourself

  2. It is meant to keep your arm warm, so it will not get stiff or tighten up.

    Most players will wear them to look good though. People will also say they are used to cover tattoos.

  3.     In a handfull they are to keep your circulation in your shooting arm flowing.  These are for players that get up 20-30 shots a game like Kobe Bryant, A.I., D-Wade, and Melo.  

        I own one and personally do not think they do much besides intimidate and make you sweat more, much like calve protectors.  But who knows? I just play hs ball so I have no clue.    

        Overall, if your going to buy one, buy it for the looks and not for being more effective.  If you do play basketball good luck on the coming year and have fun watching the olympics right now because it only comes once every 4 years.  

    Go Redemption Team!!!

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