
What does a skunk actually smell like?

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They aren't native to this country and most of the ones that are over here in zoos or as pets have had their stinky glands removed. So what is it like, and is it really that bad?




  1. Skunks are so stinky that you can smell one that has been run over while driving past at 60 mph (100 kph) with your windows up.  Natural gas is odorless and colorless, so companies add a chemical called methyl mercaptan so leaks will be obvious.  This odor resembles skunk musk.  Now imagine the smell of natural gas, but hundreds of times stronger.  I would compare the effect of being sprayed to being hit with tear gas.  Most unpleasant!

  2. up close, yes. from a distance, no. it's stiky but how to describe? Like nothing else I can think of. Maybe very sharp old moldy clothes covered with vinegar that has gone bad but mustier??

  3. well  if u ever smelt weed it is a similar smell (SKUNK WEED) and yes it is a bad lingering smell u can taste it that is how potent it is lol

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