
What does a small group coordinator at an insurance company do?

by Guest59063  |  earlier

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What does a small group coordinator at an insurance company do?




  1. If you are looking at an employment ad, this needs alot more

    detail. I work in insurance, as a coordinator, and even I can't tell you! lol

  2. coordinate a small group ........

  3. There are two "easy" answers to you question - depending upon whether you are talking about at an Insurance Company Carrier (like a Humana, UnitedHeathcare, Aetna) or whether you are talking about an Insurance Broker (who sells insurance).

    Carrier - A small group coordinator assists the small group sales department with employee groups up to 49 (approximately, some carriers make this up to 99!) employees.  The coordinator receives applications, helps put the group's coverage in place, and answers service related questions for the broker.  The coordinator also assists in the renewal process - helping the carrier keep/maintain the business.  So, for a typical day you might (based on a posting online I just saw!)

        * Review & prepare all sold case processing;

        * Interact with clients and associates to provide the highest possible level of service for newal business.

        * Act as an in-office resource to Brokers, securing rates, reviewing cases and securing missing information and processing new business groups and renewals.

        * Complete proposals, new business quotes, and rate sheets.

    At a Broker - a small group coordinator works as the liason between and employer and the Insurance Carrier.  (Usually working with the Small Group Coordinator at the Carrier!).  This coordinator really handles almost everything related to the insurance for the employer, including helping submit applications, tracking down missing ID cards, helping review claims, etc.

    Hope this helps!

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