
What does a spiral galaxy's space-time curvature look like?

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I mean the Milky Way is a flat spiral so what would it's gravity look like? Earth's look like this because it is spherical

Scientific answers appreciated!




  1. Each star would bend space like the way the diagram shows. The4 center with a super massive black hole would severely bend space.

  2. Dark matter halos seem to form curvature opposite that of the inner 'regular matter' it surrounds. Regular matter forms gravitational 'sinks' (potential wells analogous to negative charges) and dark matter forms gravitational 'sources' (potential hills analogous to positive charges). The sink curvature for each galaxy cancels some of the source curvature leaving a small net result of source curvature, thus most galaxies seem to be repulsive to each other. This also explains the redshifts of most galaxies.  

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