
What does a teacher want im an essay?

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What does a teacher want im an essay?




  1. coherent, complete sentences in a variety of sentence types.

    Sticking to the topic.

    smooth transistion from topic paragrpah to body and from one body paragraph to the next.

    Conclusion that sums up the paper without repeating key phrases

    good grammar, spelling usage, and punctuation

  2. There are many ways to attain a good method in writing a through, good, easy to follow along essay.

    Smooth paragraph transistions between the begeging, middle, and end. A introduction that will catch the readers attention.

    Dont bore the teacher with strict description, times, and dates and remember to stay on topic.

    Also, don't make it appear that your only handing the topic just to get by and pass, endosr personality, emotion, and real thought in it to make it feel like you learned something.

  3. they want you to be concise and on topic yet keep your audience intrested.

  4. They want you to write & learn information about the subject.

  5. Most teachers want something interesting, creative, and original. Just think about how boring it must be to read and grade loads of essays that are repetative and unoriginal.

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