
What does a waitress do in a restaurant?

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i want to know the general duties of a waitress or sales assistant in a restaurant




  1. The job description for a waitress would be to seat the guests, take the drink orders, watch to see if the guests need anything. Body language lets you know when they are ready to order. When they are ready you take the order, make sure they are served drinks, appitizers. Clean tables, Fill salt, things like that. Make silverware rolls, if they use those in the establishment. Keep checking on guests, make sure they are happy. Fix whatever drinks, keep the tables going. Help the busboys. Things get really busy for waitstaff. It can also depend on the establishment too. You basically keep the guests happy.

    Where I work we don't have busboys, so we do everything, clear tables, wash dishes... everything.

    If you're satrting a new job, your restaurant manager will let you know the tasks you are required to do.

  2. gets your order, puts in your order, brings you everything you want and cleans your table! duh!!!

  3. Good gosh, have you never been in a restaurant?  Some are better than others, but waitresses are one of a kind, the good ones.  They do a little of everything, including PR.  I wouldn't want to be a waitress for anything...hard work and sometimes very little appreciation.

  4. take orders, bring orders out to people, get refills for people, bring the people their bill etc..

  5. i do not know

  6. Most waitresses (food-server's) are UNDERPAID SLAVES, and some are, well, they don't do ANYTHING. The pay that the good ones get, for ALL of the work they do, is a shame, (not enough) and the pay the bad ones get, is theft. (they don't earn it)  The restaurant owner's and the customer's, work the h-e-l-l out of the food-server, and only pay them a minimum wage or, leave them a cheap tip. I always pay them a generous gratuitie (for good service) and adequate gratuitie even for mediocre service. If the service is bad I tell the manager that I wont come back and why.)

  7. As a former waitress I would: greet my cusotmers at my table and introduce my self, take the drink order and see if they would like any appatizers first, bring them the drinks and ask if they are ready to order, if so take the order and get anything else they are going to need before there food goes to there table, once my table is taken care of then I would run hot food for other tables, do sidework such as cleaning, refilling condiments, rolling silverware, or just general duties, then check on the table again get more drinks if necessary, check on there food and if ready bring to them, let them eat then check on them again in the mean time do as before cleaning duties or run hot food, then i would see if they would like dessert as i cleaned off the table and you should always clean off the table before the cusotmer gets up to leave becuase if they would like to sit and chat some more you would not want them to have dirty dishes on the table, if they would like dessert then order it and bring the bill when the dessert is ready, if the would not like dessert then bring the bill, take the payment and thank them again for coming out and say I would hope to see you again!

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