
What does a weird/disturbing dream mean?

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first: i have like ONE dream every two or three weeks

secondly: i don't remember any dreams except like one every two weeks

and i used to remember every single dreams like a couple months ago

thirdly: when i do have this one dream, its INCREDIBLY weird and freaky or scary. its just a disturbing dream.

i remember it the next day but then when i go to sleep again, i forget it.

the only dream i seem to remember is the Last dream i had that i could remember since this started happening.

i got raped by an ex boyfriend in the dream.

but ive never been raped in my life.




  1. dreams can mean a lot of things, there is a book I've never read by Sigmund Freud on dreams and the human sub conscience, it usually relates to something happening, or something that happened to you.

    I am curious, were you terrified, in the dream?

  2. Dreams mean absolutely nothing. People try and associate dreams with something going on in their lives but they shouldn't do that. Dreams are just fabricated in your mind for no reason other than a chemical process going on in your brain and, other than dreams about things that you did the day before or are going to do, they have no relation to your inner thoughts or desires nor are they a way to predict the future.

  3. That dream is probably just symbolic of the way he made you feel.  If, in your relationship, he made you feel trapped by what he wanted you to do, made you do what he demanded in any way, or suffocated you with his attention, this dream is probably symbolic of that.  If you had a hard time breaking things off with him, this dream is also probably symbolic of that.  Obviously there are loose ends somewhere.  Or maybe he is just a stand-in in your imagination for what is holding you back in life.  A job? A new relationship? A spending habit?

    Try making a list of the things that you think are holding you back.  Write it down, and write down also how you plan to overcome those things.  It will only take a few minutes, and you'll feel much better.

    To control bad dreams, it is a good idea to develop a sleep routine, such as:

    a cup of herbal tea

    20-30 minutes of calming music while sitting in bed quietly, or 20-30 minutes of reading positive material you're interested in.

    3-5 minutes of complete quiet before you go to sleep, where you let go the thoughts of the day (aka meditation).

    Sweet dreams!


  4. PLEASE don't apply Freud to your dreams. Freud is outdated.

    Personally, I think rape is something most women fear. Getting raped is one of my biggest fears. It's when you're incredibly helpless and vulnerable. It's probably just manifesting itself in your dreams. We all get that with our fears, desires, etc.  

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