
What does a woman do that makes her "ask for harassment"?

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I realize some say this jokingly, but it makes me wonder since often times I start blaming myself if I get sexually harassed or receive unwanted attention.

So please make a list of what women do that makes them "ask for this type of behavior."





  2. I don't agree with this, but other people say it's just standing there and not saying no/fighting back.

    They think that if you just freeze or get scared, it means you were asking for it or that you secretly liked it. They say "If you felt harrassed, why didn't you kick him in the nuts?"

  3. Nothing.  A guy that harasses a woman is doing it to feed a pathological need of HIS own.  HE commits this unacceptable act and he needs to OWN it and be accountable for it.

    By trying to blame the victim, the man places himself in victim status --" I can't help looking, she has DDs and they are RIGHT THERE!"   Hogwash.  If they had any respect for the other person, they would find a way to NOT stare.   There's a key point:  having respect for the other person.   Are you guys listening?  

    These lines I'm reading are just an excuse for non-responsibility for one's own actions.

    I do think SAND has a point about defining harassment though.   Since sexual harassment training is fresh in my mind due to my job, I will share the definition used at my place of work:  

    "Sexual harassment includes: Unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome physical contact, requests for sexual favors when such conduct has the purpose of creating a hostile, intimidating or offensive working environment."

    The person on the receiving end of unwanted advances has a responsibility to try to end the contact by expressing the fact that the attention being received is unwanted.   Once that expression is made, any further advances constitute harassment.

    <Hey, Quick Draw - I wasn't finished editing.  >

  4. Harassment-nothing, nobody deserves to be harassed.

    Getting hit on-

    The sexier you dress, the more guys will look at you, try to talk to you and ask you out.

    The more you flirt, the more guys will flirt back and try to take it further

    A little angry about something Sam? Want to get it off your chest?

  5. Nothing that they do, in my opinion, but young women should accept responsibility for their own behaviour by not naively assuming that because 'no' should mean 'no' it actually would work in certain situations! Or, believe that their behaviour would receive the same judgement as a man's.  

    Not about apportioning blame or assuming all men are swines, its about realising that real life and the ideals we all imagine are very often miles apart!

  6. Dress provocatively, talk dirty, act S****y, act all flirty around guys etc..etc..

    And don't confuse desire and/or attention with harassment.


    That girl is complaining about people looking at her b***s when her picture shows cleavage.

    Thats what it means.

  8. Hi Channy ...

    No woman deserves to be harrassed.  But I'm a little confused as to your personal definition of what is harrassment, and what is not?  To me, being harrassed by a man is when he isn't straight up with his intentions with you.  When he never gives a definition to what he's trying to do, and makes it so that you are clueless.  When he does things and you're not sure if he just violated you or not.  There are men out here that apply mind control techniques to females, and the female never knows what he's doing to her.

    See this link.  Scroll down to red bar that says "seduce":

    These are all examples of covert harrassment, that a slickster KNOWS cannot be proven.

    But a man just looking at you isn't harrassment; it's just him being a man.  Or a man who flirts with you isn't harrassment; he's just flirting.  There is a line between true abusive and covert harrassment and these other things.

    edit:  I totally agree with Damsel below me.  But also, not every time a woman "freezes" like that means that she's feeling harrassed.  When I like a man A LOT, and want him very bad, I get shy, and I will freeze up out of shyness.  So there again, you have another difference.  Each person is different.

  9. Dressing S****y, acting S****y. If you laugh or act like you like it when guys do or say those things.

  10. Go anywhere alone without a burka. (S**t.)

    Go anywhere alone with a burka. (Terrorist.)

    Smile at a man. (You obviously want to have s*x with him.)

    Don't smile at a man. (Uptight b*t*h/L*****n.)

    Talk to a man. (You obviously want to have s*x with him.)

    Don't talk to a man. (Uptight b*t*h/L*****n.)

    Wear 'provocative' clothing and lots of make up. (S**t.)

    Wear plain clothes and no make up. (L*****n.)

    Drink alcohol. (Asking to be raped.)

    Don't drink alcohol. (Uptight b*t*h.)


  11. First the question must be ask, What is the difference between expression of desire and harassment? Then you will find an answer.

  12. It's not asking O_o...

    It's attracting psychos...

    Wearing a short skirt, walking in the streets at night, being drunk and all that, are examples of not taking care of themselves...

    Any man who does all that will get bad stuff one way or another too...

  13. I think that if a person goes around making harrassing remarks to other people, it's unreasonable for them to turn around and act shocked and offended when they get the same type of remarks back.

  14. Lets be real.

    With some men all it takes is that you are FEMALE, for them to act like PIGS.

    However, for most normal and inhibited men.

    I would say you would have to Show a lot of skin, and be extra flirty.

    Most guys are scared to approach women especially women who are flirty.

    It makes them feel inadequate.

    I am sorry you are having problems with this.

    I guess that is down side of being attractive.

    dont feel to bad.

    I had a Girl, the other day, who Pinched my butt in the grocery store line.

    Then I turned around and she just smiled and said,

    "ohh you knwo you liked it"

    Well I didn't really, even though it did make my day, if that makes any sense at all.



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