
What does amphibious mean?

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I have an Honors Biology I test tomorrow on frog dissection and this is one of the questions I need to know...I tried searching it on Google, but I didn't really find a good answer. Can anyone who knows a lot about biology help me? (I need more than just "dealing with the kingdom Animalia and the phylum including Amphibians" and etc.)


Olivia [:




  1. its living in both land and water...

  2. Amphibious means able to use either land or water.

  3. basically it means something is able to habitat land and water

  4. If you look at the 'Life Cycle of Frog' there are certain things that stand out clearly and make that animal well adapted to lead an aquatic as well as a terrestrial life .

    1 ) Fertilization and subsequent development is in water .

    2 ) Tadpoles that emerge out spend their life period entirely in water . They have gills similar to fishes for respiration . Have a tail for swimming .

    3 ) As the adult frog emerges through metamorphosis it still retains aquatic features , such as webbed hind toes , nyctitating membrane to cover the eye when it is in water

    4 ) Respiration by lungs when on land ; but through skin when in water ( For this purpose only the skin is without any external covering like hair , wool and scales and feathers . It is called naked skin . It is always moist and very rich with blood capillaries for gaseous exchange by diffusion in water )

    5 ) Even on land it always lives close to water to keep its skin moist .

    6 ) In summer seasons it undergoes Hibernation ( Activation or summer sleep is the more accurate word )

    All the above features taken together indicate frog and its relatives are leading a dual life ( Terrestrial and Aquatic ) so they are put in a class 'Amphibia '  

    Amphi = double

    Bios = Life

    In Military there are vehicles that can run on land and also can be used for water transport . Such vehicles are called

    " Amphibious vehicles "

    From = A Botanist

  5. "dual life" - amphibians spend part of their lives in the water and part of their lives on land.

  6. An amphibious animal is an animal that can live on land and in water.

    Example: Mudskipper

  7. Amphibious is a term that refers to an organisms that spends its early to larval stage in water then emerges to live in land in its adult form.

    Frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and caecelians are amphibious animals, commonly known as amphibians.

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