
What does an American accent sound to the IRish?

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I am an AMerican and I think the Irish accent sounds really cool but heard that an American accent sounds ugly and harsh. is this true?

also, can you guys tell between southern/midwestern/Boston accents?




  1. well sometimes to us u guys kinda talk fast and we can barely understand u but i like American accent

  2. your accent doesn't bother me...i kinda like it...i was in the city(Dublin) last night waiting to go see ed byrne and lotsa American old ppl walked by with signs that said pub crawl....i thought that was class..they all smiled at us aswell which was lovely

  3. Whenever Americans are here everyone sniggers. Nuff said.

  4. Americans (especially ones from the Northern States) seem loud and obnoxious. Of course that is not true with all. Irish people (more so those from county cork, waterford, tipperary,etc.) have more in common with southern americans (hospitality and so on). It is easy to tell the difference between the accents though. Northern American accents typically are louder and faster than southern accents. Southern Americans tend to talk a bit slower than their northern counterparts with a softer tone in their voice. Midwesterner accents seem like a combination of southern and northern accents, but have more of a northern tone.

  5. The accent iriitates the heck out of me, but then u look at films and u see americans TRYING to do an irish accent and thats funny as *****, but then again does colin farrel do a good american accent i dont know, but if i ever go to america i think id get in trouble trying to take off the accent, i do it where ever i go but its funny to me any who thats it from irish person!!!!

  6. I'm not a big fan of American accents. I have a Canadian one though, which pretty much is the same as the American, but when I moved back to my hometown(Same country, Canada), I didn't realize how city'ish I sounded. They talk so different back home, much nicer and smoother.

  7. DUBLIN -IRELAND here.I  realy like the American accent no matter what part of the US it's from but my favourites are from the more southerly states.Most of the Irish are well used to the accent as quite a lot of us holiday there listen to US music watch movies and tv serials and then we have many American tourists visiting Ireland who are always welcome as well as that we have cnn fox and cbs news channels so we are very up to date

    I have 2 cousins in the NYPD and they have picked up the NY accent i speak with them on a regular basis ..yesterday was a sad day with all the memories etc etc..but we soldier on AMEN AMEN AMEN

  8. i live in ireland, speak with an accent that most irish people regard as american and most americans regard as irish (i am actually german, but that doesn't seem to have influenced the accent much), and to me  american accents don't sound harsh or ugly. sometimes they sound annoying to me but that tends to have to do more with the voices behind the accents than with the accents themselves. i can tell the three accents you mentioned apart perfectly well, southern: few "r"s unless you're talking texan, dark vowels, slow, deliberate pronounication of syllables ("in-te-res-ting"), mid-western: slow, "r"-heavy, open vowels - what a lot of people think of when they imagine an american accent - boston: clipped, no "r"s ("chowdah"), precise. sorry if the description doesn't sound very good, but i usually have a rough idea where an american person comes from after talking to them for a couple of minutes. the actual irish people would be better at that than me, though...

  9. I find it funny how all Americans go mad for our Irish accents.  Anyway, Americans accents aren't even accents to me.  I have heard them on the television and in films all my life.  We have American tourists here all the time, they always ask, "do I have an accent to you"?  I just want to roll my eyes....ugh.

  10. loud and obnoxious.. any why do they ask the silliest questions

    no i dont live in a thatched cottage have leprachauns in the garden or go to any cheili's

  11. I second that Paddy !

  12. We can only tell the rednecks in the south( we don't call them that by the way-ye are all yanks to us)from the rest of America.

    we, well at least I don't think your accent is ugly, maybe a bit harsh and definitely LOUD. But we love ye all the same.

    When you say oh my god you think you are saying it normally but we think ye're saying it it  R-E-A-L-L-Y    S-L-O-W-L-Y

  13. American accent is fine , just speak to loudly.

  14. yes you forgot one thing , LOUD .........harsh and LOUD. can you guys just keep it down the world does not want to know your on holidays

  15. Think of the worst possible Valley accent. Thats what all american accents sound like.

  16. depends, if they're listening to angry people it is harsh, all the hate and our language doesn't sound too good. but happy folks, who speak soft and kind and polite, which is hard to find in the, dog eat dog,  life we live, sounds okay. especially ,southerners. when they're not mad they sound more like they're singing. by the way, have you really ever heard an irishman, especially when they're drunk, they're as hard to understand as a scotsman...

  17. i dont think the american accent sounds ugly or harsh but sometimes the way those american teenage girls talk on tv shows like my super sweet sixteenth is really irritating. i couldnt tell the difference between midwestern and boston accents but i know a southern accent! i love them :)

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