
What does an american accent sound like to you?

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i always wonder what people from other countries think of the american accent. obviously it feels like there is no accent when i am speaking. i can imitate other accents, do people from other countries imitate american accents? (like for fun not actors/actresses)




  1. See

  2. It sounds like a typing noise right now ! Y'all

  3. I think the American accent is very beautiful.

  4. I Yes, I am at school in england, and we all imitate, the "paris hilton" american accent!! You know like "that's hot" etc.

    I  don't mind the accent, not paticulary attractive, not like the french accent. although I am not a fan of the southern accent.  

  5. I've wondered that myself. When we hear accents, a lot of them sound the same, even though those people can hear the differences. So I'm assuming that we sound pretty similar except for say, a deep southern accent versus a Washington accent which can sound almost Canadian. I always get a giggle when I hear different accents from the same country.

  6. I'm an Australian and I like most American accents, particularly southern accents (but there's some history there for me). You often hear people here trying to imitate American accents but they're rarely authentic sounding, though everyone recognises what they're pretending to be.

  7. Which American accent?  I can do several.  

  8. Well, I watch a lot of hollywood stuff and so the American accent is very familiar to me, I like it too and the difference in accents from different parts in America is interesting. I'm particularly interested in accents and I try to speak it when reading aloud novels, alone though of course!

    In India, when the BPO sway started everyone was speaking in Fake American accents, it was hip but then gradually the accents slipped it was hilarious. So now, neutral accent is back again, anybody who tries to do an american one is booed away.

    So, while my friends hang on to subtitles I am very ok with it and love it too. I love differences, makes it interesting and gives me something to learn.

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