
What does an autism support classroom entail?

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What should a person expect to happen in an autism support class?




  1. What to expect is truly the question of the year!  What to expect in any aspect of the spectrum reguarding education, caregivers or any kind of help, unfortunately is the burden of the parent.  Alot of teachers do not know enough about Autism to effectively help these kids.  Many however do know a lot.  As a parent you must be proactive to insure the child is getting the proper amount of attention.  You know your child better than anyone.  You must share this with the teacher.  Educate them so they in turn can educate your child.

    IE:  Triggers for the child, diet, behavioral patterns, therapies ect.

    A forum which is a great online support group, ( new but good)  is,

    This is a great resource site here which talks about the laws for special education. and other things as well. Knowing the laws and the rights of parents is very important.

    I have found that an informed parent can be the most beneficial part of a student's education.  The problem is becoming an informed parent.  In the would of education there is a law called the ESEA, also known as No Child Left Behind.  The newest revisions of NCLB were passed in 2002 by President Bush.  The U. S. Department of Education's website is prepared to inform parents of their rights when talking with school officials. This document has legal requirements considering ALL children.  This website also has a link for the IDEA document. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.)  This law contains provisions for children who need special education.  Here are those two website connections if you would like to actively become a more informed parent.  This will NOT be easy. These documents are thick and full of information, but very beneficial in your guiding your child through the world of education.



    I hope this information truly helps.

  2. The development of language, social and academic skills should be the top priorities.

    Developing a way for a child to communicate is particularly important because until a person can communicate their needs, they are lost in the world and may develop severe behavior problems. Ask what kinds of communication training they are using. There are several good approaches, depending on the level of the child.

    For kids that don't speak at all, not even ecolalia, the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) works well, or Sign Language.

    For kids who have ecolalia, "Verbal Behavior" is excellent. It uses Applied Behavior Analysis to teach and reward speaking skills and is very successful.

    Most teachers infuse social instruction throughout the day while they are teaching academics. However, play skills need to be specifically taught. If you see teachers and assistants sitting around during play time, it is a bad sign, especially if the children are misbehaving. They should be playing with the children and teaching them how to play with things.

  3. Hi Chuck, The best to start is address the families on how they are coping and what needs they should start for developing help. ie: therapy, speech, social activities. Our support groups here in L.A. county is usually held at the hospital or regional centers. Good luck and best wishes keeping up with the growing rate of this demand. Also, we usually attend once a month..not enough in my opinion. Having the meetings are beneficial due to the fact that parent(s) are comparing and helping each other with experience(s) with their own needs.  Also, it is  best to have the parent or parents meet alone without their children present, so leave the children at home or have a room adjacent with therapist to watch while the parents attend the meetings. :D

  4. everything we do but slower in a more understanding way for them

  5. Lots of support in the areas of behaviorial and social skills. These classes will have speech therapy, occupational therapy, adaptive physical education, psychological analysis...etc.

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