
What does an environmental scientist do?

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I'm trying to find out whether I should do environmental science. What exactly does this profession involve? Thank you




  1. It depends. It's a big field with lots of sub studies.

    I was an environmental engineering major, but I know a lot of Env. Sci majors and have worked with them.

    You can be an Environmental Science major with emphasis in 1) biology and wildlife studies (dealing with project, mainly construction, that has potential impact on local wildlife), 2) chemistry (dealing with contaminations or water quality, 3) forestry or resource conservation, and 4) economy, archaeological sites, environmental laws and regulations.

    Some bigger schools have even more variations. You have to be careful with what you choose.

  2. Environmental scientists find and fix pollution and other environmental problems. They figure out what is in the air, water, and soil to make sure that the environment is safe. They also give advice on how to clean the environment. For example, they might design a safe way to get rid of trash.

    Some of these workers mix environmental science with other sciences, such as chemistry or biology. Environmental chemists find out if different chemicals hurt the environment. Environmental biologists focus on protecting animals and plants.

    Some environmental scientists help to make laws about protecting the environment. They also help companies follow the laws.

    Environmental scientists work in laboratories and offices. They also work outside, taking measurements. They use math and computers.

    Environmental scientists sometimes work long hours. Some travel to far away places in trucks and helicopters. They might dig dirt, chip rocks, or do other physical things. Scientists who look for oil often work in foreign countries.

    In addition to doing science, many of these workers write reports and help find money for their projects.

    How to get ready for this Job:

    All of these workers need a college degree. Most need an advanced degree—either a master's, which takes 1 or 2 more years after finishing college, or a doctoral degree, which takes longer.

    In college, these workers study geography, environmental science, chemistry, biology, earth science, and physics. They also study math and statistics so that they can understand measurements and data. People who want to make laws about protecting the environment also take law classes.

    In addition to taking classes, scientists have to learn how to work with other people. They also need to practice speaking and writing so that they will be able to explain their research.

    Workers also need computer skills. And they need to know about the latest tools and technology for studying the earth.

  3. environmental science.

  4. enviorment scientist are diffrent than others they research on globle warming...actually scientist is big term  they have perticular fields in which they work evvirment is also a big term which encluds our oall surroundings so.....they have specific feilds in which they work eg soil,air,

  5. All sorts of things. Almost any major branch of science can be a specialty. In my case, it's biology. I get called in when a construction project could have an effect on an imperiled species or a relatively unspoiled habitat. I can analyze the health of a stream from the insects and other invertebrates associated with the stream bottom, run baseline surveys to determine what utilizes the habitat, search for a protected species ... each project is different.

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