
What does an ultrasound cost?

by  |  earlier

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the first time we go in to see the doctor, i have no insurance. i live in las vegas nevada




  1. good reason why we need obamas health plan!

    they cost 300-600 bux

  2. At my hospital it is $500.  But I live in a town w/only 15k people.  It was more when I had to go to Minneapolis to have one done.  

  3. only way to know for certain is to call your doctor and ask. They should be able to tell you exactly how much it will cost with no insurance.

  4. It depends on the type that you get.  You can get a basic ultrasound that willl cost something like $500 but if you get the realy cool ones that show the baby in 3-D then they can run about $2000.  You might be abel to find some docs to do them for cheeper than the $500 because they are through your gynocologist but they are usually so much because you have to go to a "specialist" that can read it better than your Gyno.  Hope this helps!

  5. you should look into free medical care. I'm sure in Nevada there's something a pregnant woman could get so that all the medical stuff got paid for. Here is a link to free medical program there.

  6. Not sure about there but before I got insurance my Dr told me the ultrasound would be $200 for a basic ultrasound.  

  7. I just got a bill for my ultrasound because my insurance switched and they billed the wrong insurance company....they said the total charge was like $650 but they were only billing me for like $265. Im not sure why because I didnt have to pay for it......

  8. I had a 3d and 4d ultrasound that only cost 100$, my friend had one in the same state but different doc office and hers was 150$

  9. $200 here in barbados

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