
What does an upside down cross mean ?

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What does an upside down cross mean ?




  1. When monks and priests tried to bring Christianity to the Norse people around 980 to 1100 AD, many of the kings resented the monks as outsiders and would raid monastery's for plunder, some of the crosses were turned upside down and worn because it looked like the hammer of Thor and to do such a thing to a religious relic of their enemies beliefs was thought to be a blessing to the warrior who wore it in such a style, after all would Thor bless a warrior who plundered an enemy and turned one of there most sacred artifacts into a symbol of victory.

  2. You should stop hanging from your toes off the church roof.

  3. It's St. Peter's cross.

    "The origin of this symbol comes from the Catholic tradition that St. Peter was crucified upside down, as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Christ died (upright). It is often used with two keys, symbolizing the keys of heaven."

    "The Alexandrian scholar Origen is the first to report that St. Peter was crucified head downward, for he had asked that he might suffer in this way. Some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Christ."

    American Christian-fundamentalists have corrupted the original meaning of St. Peter's Cross into a Satanic symbol, possibly a back-biting comment at the Catholic Church (of which Peter was the first Pope) calling it a "church of Satan".

  4. it is either a representatin of the antichrist/antiChristianity group

    or it is also used as peters cross as he was supposedly crucified upside down.

  5. anti christ

    used by goths and emos yea basically ppl who have low self esteem

  6. It is usually associated

    with anything demonic in nature.

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