
What does another driver do that makes you angry?

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I get really aggravated when another driver drives much slower than the speed limit, tailgates me, and naturally, if they cut me off.




  1. Driving in the fast lane but going REALLY slow especially when there is someone in the right lane and you can't get by either way

  2. I once saw a stupid indian driving in the lane beside mine, and he threw a stack of Tim Horton's coffee cups with lids flying everywhere out of his window.  It hit the side of my car.  I opened my window and reamed the guy out.

  3. When they do something stupid which endangers me (cutting me off... pulling into my lane and nearly hitting me... speeding up when I try to change lanes... aggressively tailgating me... blinding me with their stupid blue headlights... throwing bottles or garbage out their window and it nearly hits me.... etc., etc., etc.)

    ...and then they act like *I* did something wrong.

  4. When they driver lower than the speed limit.  That really annoys me!

  5. when someone is tailgating me then when i move over they don't pass me!!!

  6. People that drive 40mph through a parking lot and than beep their horn at me when I'm trying to back out of a parking space. Like I'm suppose to be able to see them coming when I got two big trucks parked on both sides of me. Drivers that drive slow on the interstate and as soon as I try to pass them they speed up then I get stuck in the left lane with a speed demon right on my tail and I know the speed demon is wondering why I'm in the left lane. Drivers that want let me over in bumper to bumper traffic. Drivers that tailgate, drive more than 10 over the posted speed limit and make lane changes without signaling.

  7. I don't think I would say anything on here in case you have some that use this for ideas just to aggravate more people.

  8. When a driver is going the speed limit, I mean come on they can go 5 over and not block traffic.

  9. when they talk on their cell phones while driving.

    FACT:  It's more dangerous than driving while intoxicated.

  10. Talking on their cell phone & not paying attention to the traffic. Mostly riding in the left lane below the speed limit & will not move over. These are the people that cause accidents. I have a whole lot more...this is a real good subject. The cell phone is probably me biggest aggrivation. :~)

  11. I am a woman and I notice a lot of *road rage* comes from impatient men.  (Please guys, not all of you).  I do experience *road rage* most likely in the summer months.  Is there a reason why when the weather is warmer and hotter, people tend to get more *hot under the collar*?  Strange isn't it.  I do not go slower than the speed limit unless when I get lost and trying to find my way.  You know slowing down to read the street names.  Sometimes when I do that, mens tend to overtake me in their HUGE trucks and yell profanities and show their finger at me.  BUT most of the time I am just following the speed limit and men just don't like it.  Impatient men should just use the freeway, and they can go faster there, then driving on the streets.  Since that's what they want ......... MORE SPEED!

  12. As a pedestrian :

    Drivers who turn the corner when the light goes green and it's my LEGAL RIGHT to walk first.

    Drivers who zip through the crosswalk even though I'm still walking!!! I don't care if I'm not on the left half of the crosswalk you moron, IT'S STILL FLASHING. Wait your goddamn turn.

    Idiots who decide to stop right in front of the pedestrian walkway in the street. That's a ticket worthy offense and I wish I had a cop in my back pocket at all times, all of this happens at least once a day.

  13. What really annoys me is when I'm running late and there is a car in both lanes, one not two far behind the other, and I get behind the one thats ahead and the car beside me speeds up and passes him and then I have to switch back over and pass both of them.

  14. Cut across me on the roundabout just because they see learner plates on my car. Not only does it annoy me it is careless and can cause an unnecessary accident.

  15. My biggest irritation is the driver who insists on talking on their cell phone.

    I have nearly been rear-ended on icy roads twice by people talking on their cell phones even while trying not to hit me!

    If the call is that important, pull off the road!  PLEASE!!

  16. drive under the speed limit....they are either lost or on the phone or simply a bad driver

  17. OHHH....This is a good question, I could go on and on lol...

    Cutting me off, honking even if it's not at me, not using their blinker when they are turning or just putting it on MID TURN!! Driving UNDER the speed limit in the FAST lane! Speeding around me at the speed of light just to slow down and turn in 5 feet! Cutting me off just to turn in 2 feet! Tailgating me when I am going 10 over the speed limit and have no way what so ever to get over and get out of their way or I would, just so I could tailgate them lol.... I think that is all I can think of right now.. Oh no...Constantly breaking on the road, FOR NO REASON!! OH...speeding up then going back down to like 5 under the speed limit then speeding up and back and forth....OOOO NOT using the turning lane, stopping in the middle of the road with their blinker on and THEN getting into the turning lane! I HATE THAT.....ok that's all. WOW I feel better lol

  18. Picks their nose!

  19. Inner-city:

    -people not paying attention to the red lights, especially quick changing lights; the car in front wastes 10 seconds sitting there when it's green, then you get caught at the light for another 5 minutes because it turns red.

    -red light runners; I always hesitate because there's a lot of these people where I live. They could seriously broadside someone pretty bad.


    -tailgaters--that's just rude

    -people not giving signals--I am not a mind-reader

    -people going under the speed limit in the left lane

    -people cutting me off in traffic (no signal especially)

    -people that ride window-to-window with me no matter how much I speed up or slow down--that's annoying

    -people not being courteous enough to let you in when you're stuck in traffic anyhow

  20. when anyone uses their horn for any reason

    (when someone drives fast on the slow lane)

    it's aggravating but doesn't get me aggravated


  22. Ok, that driver is usually my husband and I am hanging on for dear life in the passengers seat!

    He tailgates.  He turns on his turn signal while he is turning. He stops at green lights and goes through red lights.  And he either drives way too slow or fast!  And he will be spacing off and totally miss our destination.

    Needless to say, I drive most of the time.

  23. I hate when people don't go the speed limit too! But I absolutely hate it when someone tail gates me or doesn't use there blinker! Tail gating is rude. I go 5 miles over the speed limit and I have a kid in the back seat people! DON'T TAIL GATE ME!!! and not using your blinker is just rude! I have no idea what you are doing and it makes me mad!!!

  24. when you try to pass them and they speed up.

  25. no turn signals

    people going straight in a turn only lane

    people in the far left lane going slower than everyone else takes the top though.. MOVE TO YOUR RIGHT!!!!!!

  26. When someone rides my a$$, then I move over, and they move to the same lane ahead of me! Why don't they just go around me to begin with?!

  27. Signal one way, and then turn the other--usually at the last minute.

    Talk on their phone while they drive!

    Turn across a pedestrian crossing while looking the other way, and then honk when they discover you're almost under their wheels because the pedestrian light was green before they turned!

  28. You have to know everyone drives differently. Yes is tempting to get p**s off of someone that cut you off or drive like an 80y old grand ma. But remember, once you get aggravated because of 1 idiot there always the next one in about 1 mile. Then you will just get a bad mood because of people that drive. I was like that before, now I just let it go and let it roll, you will still get to you destination safe , with mostly 2 or 3 min delay.

  29. when someone pulls right out in front of you, and you almost hit them because you don't have enough time to stop,and tailgaiters.ugh!

  30. Slower than the speed limit, turn their signal on half a mile before they turn, hit their brakes every 10 feet, etc.

  31. my pet pieve is the misuse of turn signals. i never take for granted that they are going the way of thier signal. and some people dont use them at all.

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