
What does antifowling mean on a boat?

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What does antifowling mean on a boat?




  1. It is the process of removing the accumulation, or preventing the accumulation of microorganisms, plants, algae, and animals on submerged structures, especially ships' hulls

  2. stops barnacles and other

  3. It's usually spelled: anti-fouling.

    It's about stopping plants and animals growing on the hull of your boat, hence slowing it down through increased drag.

  4. its paint with aluminum and other "metals" in it to keep the crud ( plants ans animals) from growing on ya hull.,, it wears off in about 2 years,,and that "wearing off" is what keeps the "critters" from attaching themselves to your hull.

  5. this is what people do when they take them out of the water,clean the hull of all water life that has attached itself to underneath,mussels and other water creatures,but most will strip the boat right down to bare metal,if Steel,get any rusted parts welded,primed and painted or painted with black bitument paint,some have to do this every couple of years or so

  6. Anti-fouling is a paint basically, very expensive and very hostile to organisms; or other system that you use to coat the underwater surface of the vessel with, in order to discourage the growth of marine organisms - mainly plants, although also barnacles and sea-squirts etc.

    It is usually in the form of a resin that contains hostile chemicals, although in older times, thin copper sheeting was used hence: "copper-bottom".

    Coatings of silicon have also proved effective - while not 'hostile', silicon presents a surface to things like plants and barnacles etc. which is so smooth that they canney-get-a-grip!

    Other systems that have been tried even include antibiotics!

    In freshwater, such as the canals, plain old bitumastic paint works fine for about two-to-three years.

    By far the best sort, if you can get your hands on it, is what they put on submarines! Which is most probably a mixture of everything!!

    In the 1970's they used a horrible concoction containing TBT, or: tributile tin. This was banned by EEC law as it was having an enormous effect on marine life even down to minute concentrations. Effects such as causing the s*x of Dog-Whelks to change, for example!

    So goodness knows what effect it had upon the poor old (or young) persons such as myself who were paid extremely small sums of money to paint it on in boatyards, during their apprenticeships!!


    Still necessary, still a dirty old game, still very expensive and - make no mistake whatsoever - still very bad for the environment.

    After all, that's the whole point of  it!

    (Actually, an exception: the best bet yet is the newish type of epoxy anti-fouls that contain copper filings. You apply the resin and then lightly abrade it when cured in order to expose the copper. Very expensive initially, but it lasts for a very long time, so pays off, and is not really a problem to the marine environment. You just re-abrade it every now and then after seasonal "scrubbing" - pressure washing)

    Hope that clears it all up.

    Stay slippery!

  7. This is a type of bottom paint or a coating that keeps the junk off the hull. On the old woodies they were sacrificial which means they would come off over the course of a season or two. Eg, harm might come to the water.

  8. its a spray put onto the bottom of the boat to stop algi growing on the bottom therefore slowing the boat down

  9. Anti-fouling means use of materials, especially paints and coatings on the bottom of a boat, that will not cause harm to the environment. One of the leading research institutes in this technology is the Battelle Laboratory in Columbus, OH. The link below will take you to a recent report on its work on anti-fouling materials.

  10. it means no putting human waste into the sea, or rubbish of any kind

  11. Antifowling might mean trying to keep birds off the boat... birds are so dirty.

    But what you mean to ask is about ANTIFOULING --  antifouling is a coating, like paint or metal plates, on the hull to keep barnacles and such like critters from attaching to the hull.

  12. it is a protective guard in front of the propeller to stop the propeller fouling on debris, weed, nets, lines........anything

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