
What does anxiety mean?

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i smoke marijuana daily and i get nervous when im doing public speaking or very nervous when im in a room with a lot of people in it i dont know why but i have always been a shy guy since i was young before marijuana so i think marijuana has no effects on my nervousessness but what does anxiety mean and can marijuana effect it? also how do you feel more calmer in a room with a lot of people in it i always get nervous and blush for no reason its really embrassing help!




  1. I think you need professional help, not Yahoo! Answers. I would guess that it will only get worse if you don't put down the marijuana (having taken biology and studying the effect of drugs on the body).

    You can overcome this- you just need someone who has a plan thought through for you (no one here will have that).

  2. Anxiety is not a reserved state to smokers. It can attack anyone at any time - the reasons are not always clear as to why it happens sometimes but in your case I think the reason is clear.

    The problem for you is public speaking along with being out of your comfort zone when in lots of company.

    Ok, this is a solvable problem. You can go to a Public Speaking Course (they don't have lengthy courses) and deal with the issues you have about these things in the company of others who are suffering from the same difficulties. I hope you find a course soon because Public Speaking can be so much fun & very rewarding. With very best wishes for now & your future. UK

  3. Marijuana does effect the nervous system. I would recommend not smoking it. I smoked it for many. many years and I am so glad I don't anymore.

    Anxiety is something that you can address and do something about.

    Ask yourself why do i get nervous?  Try to pinpoint what the cause is.

    Plus do not use any stimulants, such as caffieine, sugar, chocolate, These build up in the system and cause nervousness.

    Do not build it up, thinking about what is going to happen... Before you speak in public.  The more you focus on it the bigger it will get.Play it Down.  

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