
What does anyone know about childhood leukemia?

by Guest61446  |  earlier

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my 5yr old son has had nose bleeds all his life but lately they r much worse. like 3-4 times a week and clots of blood gush from his little nose. and sometimes he complains of headaches and he says he is too tired to play sometimes and will just sit and watch tv all day. so i took him to the doctor who was very insensitve and didnt check his vitals just simply asked me the family history, looked in his nostrils, checked his lungs for fluid then says to me 'well strong possiblity it is leukemia but we will run all the proper tests. see u n two wks." HELP!!! I AM FREAKING OUT!!!!




  1. 1. Find a new doctor who is a little more concerned about your son's well being. There is no reason to tell you it might be cancer and send you off for two weeks. How excruciating.

    2. I'm in no position to tell you whether or not your son has leukemia and neither does anyone else on here, in fact, the doctor really doesn't either.

    3. Calm down (easier said than done, I know) and find another pediatrician. I'm sure if you explained the situation, you'd be able to get in today or tomorrow.

    *Hugs* and best of luck to you and your son.

  2. Sorry to hear about your little son. I think it is leukemia, sorry to say, but my grandpa had the same symptoms. Luckily, he got better in about seven months with about three or four treatments of chemotherapy. I may be wrong, as I am not a doctor, but an eleven year old girl, and my dream job is a plastic surgeon. Good luck with your son and I hope everything is all right. Bless you and your family.

  3. The doctor should have been more sensitive, especially if he deals with parents of sick kids. But when I was 7 I had frequent throat infections and nose bleeds. Leukemia was one of the possibilities. I had some other condition, I don't know what it was called. After a course of some heavy duty antibiotics I was basically better. Do not panic. It could be something else, but if possible get a second opinion from a Doctor with a little more sensitivity when it comes to a subject like that with your little boy. Did he run a CBC?, if the white count is not high, then it probably would not be leukemia.

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