
What does anyone think about having a child from being raped?

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What does anyone think about having a child from being raped?




  1. Been there, done that, it's tuff. The hardest part isn't what I thought it would be. I love my little boy so much, and even though he does look like the man who raped me, he doesn't act like him. The hard part is finding a way to tell him about his biological father without making him feel like he's bad. Sometimes terrible things happen to people, but I just thank God that I got something wonderful out of it. My husband has adopted my son and we are expecting another baby in November.  My life couldn't be better.

    Everyone is different though. I think my positive outlook made all the difference.

  2. very courageous i no i would not get a abortion but nether would i keep the child its not its fault but i cud not look at the child every day ..... knowing wot i new ...  i would hate for the child to come looking for me ether so would adopt abroad... good for you that can ... b ut there would be loving parents out there for the child... just not me

  3. I would love the child, it would be very hard, but i'd have to remember he comes from me. It wasn't his choice...just an innocent little baby.

  4. I believe that it takes a very strong person to keep and raise a child conceived during rape.  

    I think that if someone feels AT ALL like they couldn't do it, then they should give the child up for adoption.  Better to give the child a home than to always wonder if you are treating them the way you would if they hadn't been conceived in such a brutal way.  Also better for your own mental health if you are unsure.

  5. i think it would be very great of that person because they actually have a reason to not wanting to keel the child...

  6. I was a raped when I was 15yrs old and it breaks my heart hearing this accidents of kids being born into a chaos and confusing home.I was lucky and did not have a kid from the rape or a std.But..Let's all honesty is not the childs fault and I don't believe in abortion so..I would have the child and when his older tell him the truth.Plus it will look like a hero mother not a vain mother.

    I'm now married and mother of one 4yr old.My husband knows about my rape.It happenend a long time ago but I will tell you one thing is a scar that stays forever no matter how many meds you take.

    good luck!

  7. This is a difficult question to answer. Personally, I don't know how I would feel specially since it was conceived by a brutal rape. Perhaps, after seeing the baby in my arms I could possibly forget about the trauma.

    I guess under any circumstance a baby will always be a blessing...

  8. Being raped is a horrible thing to happen to anyone. Deciding to keep a baby being conceived through rape is a very tough decision to make. I admire anyone who does that, I don't believe in abortions but if this happened to me then I have to be honest and say that I wouldn't keep it. I know that I wouldn't be able to move on from this terrible thing with having a constant reminder. Some women are strong enough to cope with it and for that I do admire them.

  9. WOW! I think that is a very strong person, seeing what pain that the baby can bring. I pray that I don't get raped, but IF for some reason I do I think I would work through the pain and keep the baby!

  10. I personally could not live with myself knowing everyday i woke up with a child that was from a rape. going through all of the fear and alwasy having flashbacks of the time it happened (i could not even imagine how i would feel if this was really me! However im going to contradict myself and say that a child is something so special and that some people in this world have to live with knowing they have cervical cancer and will never have kids, or their sperm count is down and will never see a baby boy or girl that would be thier own. there is always the option to give it up for adoption but then again...i couldn't have a child be a part of me for 9-10 months and then never see it. It all depends on how you REALLY feel a/b rape, abortions, and adoption! Go with you gut feeling! (God would not put you through it unless he knew you could handle it!)

  11. I think it would show remarkable compassion for the child.  If the mother thinks she can do it and wants to do it, I would definitely support her 100%.

    Pregnant # 2, I just commend you.  Your words are inspiring.

  12. I think it is a very difficult situation, and the mother should be supported in whatever she chooses to do.  Some women might welcome and love a baby no matter the circumstances of its conception, and some women could never fully accept a baby in the context of rape.

  13. I think I'd kill myself if I had to carry the child of a man who raped me.

    But that's just me.  I know what I can and cannot handle.

  14. a stupid idea

    tied to your rapist for the rest of your life

    having a child who knows there a rape baby

    ruin your body

    never be able to look at that chidl without rembering where it came from

    i dont get how people can pressure woman to have babies all the time and then to comend a woman for ruining her life with a rape baby

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