
What does anyone think about the domestic use of spy satellites?

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Now there was a bill going through legislation about the domestic use of spy satellites. That means using government satellites to spy on other countries. In the article i read on they had the question: what about spying on Americans? Currently it only says spying on other countries and people of interest. These satellites can take high resolution pictures of buildings cars and even people. So do you think that spy satellites should be approved or banned and why?




  1. If the U.S. government wants to spy on you why bother using a satellite? They can find out much more by looking at your credit cards and bank statements. It will provide them much more information and is easier and cheaper to do.

    They (or anybody) can fly a small prop plane over your home and take simple pictures with a digital camera. This will yield better photos than can be had from space.

    Besides, what are you doing that you don't want them to know about?

  2. Refer to the FISA discussion

    If they are going to gather INFORMATION

    they gotta get a warrant!

    Search and seizure of peoples personal INFORMATION is one of the issues that had the colonies poed at the crown.

  3. If you don't do anything illegal then it shouldn't bother you.

  4. Only people complaining are the child molesters and criminals. They always talk about their rights, you are not born with any rights! You only have temporary privileges Just ask the innocent Japanese in US during 1948. No one should be given privacy because humans are evil. They should be watched. We should spy on these sexual predators and criminals who talk about the Constitution, **** the Constitution. It was created by a group of racist slave owners who talked about birth rights, Bullshit, I guess their birth rights didn't apply to their slaves huh? ******* hypocrites. Slavery proves that no one is born with rights but given temporary privileges that can be taken away at anytime now and its not a d**n thing you can do about it....because the government owns you! The government owns you and you have no say in the matter. You get out of line and youll drop dead, another problemed citizen gone. The government doesn't never you, you need the government! The government will be happy to kill one more resource leech breathing all the air and drinking all the good water.

  5. Exactly what is the difference between using a spy satellite and having a police helicopter take pictures as it flys over?

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