
What does anyone think of the older Chrysler outboards?

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I need a 115 or a 125hp for my Chrysler Charger S.E. project and I was just wondering about the overveiw of the late seventies motors and how they performed. Anybody have experience with these motors? Good or bad?




  1. they look really cool on a classic hull, but......try getting parts.  and you'll need more parts than you would for, say, a johnnyrude or merc of the same vintage.


    "I am restoring it back to its original glory"

    bet you can find a parts motor or two.

    If you get a chance, check out the restoration forum over on - post some pics of your work, we'd love to see 'em.

  2. when Chrysler took over West Bend, they should have kept the toasters, and scrapped the O/Bs.

  3. there good

  4. I got a 73 Chrysler charger, with a johnson 85 HP engine(I never liked the look of the crysler engines, to retro looking) its great no problems, I always get complemented on it.

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