
What does awol mean and what happens when someone does that?

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What does awol mean and what happens when someone does that?




  1. Absent without leave.  Not as bad as desertion but can still get you kicked out of the military.

  2. They just leave from their service/job and go missing. They get caught and  get seen in front of a judge resulting in jail time normally. It's what pussys do that can't handle the real world.

  3. AWOL can get you a Company or Field Grade Article 15 (Captain's mast in the Navy) Which comes donw to Loss of Rank, Loss of Pay, Extra Duty, Letter of Repermand,  and Confinement. This depends on the Commander and is at his descretion...A commander and give all, some or none of this punishment...This usually goes on a service members record which can affect promotion...A commander can also apply administravtive action which is separation from the military...Usually this is the case...If a service member is Absent Without Leave (AWOL) for more than 30 days...His status then becomes Desertion...This is done so that Commanders can remove the service member from the unit rolls and gain another soldier.

  4. AWOL stands for Absent WithOut Leave, meaning the person is unaccounted for.  If they are AWOL then they usually just get booted out with a bad conduct discharge.

  5. After 30 days AWOL they become a deserter and most ofter are given an Other Than Honerable discharge.

    People who go AWOL are NOT *******. There is nothing dishonerable or cowardly about a man who is not willing to kill others because a man behind a desk tells him to. It takes great courage to stand up for what you believe knowing the problems it is going to cause you and the persecution you will face.  

  6. Don't ask me I was flying planes in Georgia.

  7. Here are the laws that govern the military.

  8. Absent without leave--meaning you left or abandoned your post without permission.

    Here's a link to possible penalties:

    ...basically anything from bad-conduct discharge to jail.

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