
What does awol mean?

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im watching a army movie and it talks about guys going awol? is that that they ran away and army looking for them?




  1. AWOL would be what they are considered within 30 days of running away.  After 30 they're considered a deserter.

  2. Absence WithOut Leave.

  3. Absent with out leave, which is for the 1st 30 days. You would then be charged with desertion. AWOL will get you confined to base, demerits,forfiet of pay,potentialy rank and a light brig time. Desertion will get you up to 20 years in Ft. Levenworth, during peace time or the fireing squad, or hanging in wartime. Tagger

  4. A deserter

  5. just like homicide is used before its determined a murder, suicide, or natural death.awol doesnt automatically mean a soldier ran away. its means this person isnt here and we dont know where they are. the 2 soldiers murdered in north carolina were listed as awol, but they didnt run away.

  6. Absent Without Official Leave.

  7. It stands for "Absent WithOut Leave" and means they didn't have permission to be absent. It's a kind of desertion, and potentially punishable in the military. Thus, it's a big deal.

  8. AWOL stands for person of little or no character, one who will not live up to their word, dishonor and coward.

    US Army Captain

    Former AWOL Apprehension NCO.  

  9. AWOL stands for absent without leave.  It means that a military member is gone from his/her unit without permission.  The Navy uses the term UA for unauthorized absence.  After thirty days of UA, the person is listed as a deserter.

  10. Absent WithOut Leave
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