
What does back labor feel like?? and how long after nesting starts did you go into labor??

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i have cleaned my entire apartment i didn't go to sleep last night cause that what i was doing. with my back it's going down into my butt and its only on my right side. i have an appointment at the doc today and will ask him the same questions but wanted ya'll opinion. i am 36 weeks and no one in my family believes i am making it to the 23rd of sept. help thanks




  1. Back labor feels like someone grabbing your lower back and twisting your muscules. I usually get that type of pain when I get my period so it wasnt too bad. I never nested. I went into labor at 34 weeks and had no clue I was in labor for 2 hours because I thought I just had normal pregnancy pains. So I dont know how long labor comes after nesting.  

  2. Feels like a horrible ache and pain in the lower back around the kidney area.  

  3. i have two sons, seperate pregnancies i went into extreme overdrive with energy both days i went into labor, my energy level went through the roof then i crashed took naps, and water broke. But everyone is different. Congrats to you and best of luck!

  4. feels like AWFUL menstral cramps! I nested 2 nights before I went into labor. when you're in labor, you will know it! its not just uncomfortable, or annoying little pains. its crippling! good luck!

  5. Wow you don't remember being induced? o_O Lucky you, I'll never forget that nightmare! haha

    I had back labor...felt like an elephant stepping on my spine and crushing it :(

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