
What does being a true Jew really mean?

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Being that every country,race,ethnicity,has jewish people. What defines really being Jewish and not just saying there jewish? God bless everyone




  1. It means you're a douche and people will make fun of you at school for the rest of your life.

  2. Depends on what your are considering a Jew? Are you speaking on being a Jew as a religion or being a Jew as in race? You can say a Jew is one from the Tribe of Judah and then you have the descendant from the 10 lost tribes of practice the religion of Abraham but aren't neccessarily called Jews case in people the Beta Israel of Ethiopia who descend from the Lost Tribe of Dan.

  3. Being a "True Jew" means that you have a deeper, more ancient knowledge of the Almighty and His paths than Christians.  It means that you are able to see the errors of other religions more easily because you have become so intimately acquainted with the TRUTH.

    For example - Deuteronomy 6.4 states that God is ONE (not a trinity - the "trinity doctrine was not invented until the 4th Century CE and in its earliest forms the trinity consisted of Father, MOTHER and Son - with the "mother" being Mary - resulting in the deification of Mary)

    One more example is the false teaching that is being taught by Christianity that says that blood sacrifice was necessary in the "Old Testament" in order for a person to be forgiven of sins but Leviticus 5.17 says very clearly that if a person sinned, they could bring FLOUR (not blood) to the altar and the JEWISH teaching is that the sacrifice did not REMOVE sin or forgive it, instead, the sinner had to first confess his/her sin to God; receive forgiveness and THEN bring the sacrifice to celebrate the forgiveness that they had already received!

    Being a Jew means some day saying to Christians - - - - "see, we told you so!"


  4. Judaism is a religion, Hebrew is a nationality.  I am an American and a Christian - so it means nothing more than that.

  5. I assume you mean the religion, a true Jew would follow the laws of the Torah and all of the rest of the Jewish Scripture(also called the Old Testament by Christians like me)

  6. Sigh...

    Please don't drag Jews into the Christian belief that only certain people can be "true" adherents of the faith.

    A Jew is anyone who is born Jewish or converts to Judaism, and practices (or at least accepts) the beliefs of Judaism.  Beyond that, we don't judge a person's "truth."

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