
What does being born with less than 4 wisdom teeth mean?

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A dentist told me that when a person is born with less than 4 wisdom teeth he/she is more evolved. What does that mean? Is it true? What are the wisdom teeth for?




  1. i dont think your born with wisdom teeth they come in when your old from about 18 plus

  2. It's a silly joke.

    The idea, I think, is that the evolutionary predecessors of humans had larger mouths, but now the mouths are smaller and all the teeth don't fit in, so the wisdom teeth often don't fit.  Therefore, a person with fewer teeth wouldn't have as much of a problem with this and could therefore be considered "more evolved".

  3. There is no real definition of "more evolved". Let me demonstrate.

    Imagine some cheetahs have a lot of competition and have to start getting more muscular and bulky to defend themselves agains other predators but get a little slower in the process.

    Are they more evolved than the cheetahs 1,000 miles away that are the same as what we think of as a cheetah?

    What if I told you that their predecessors were all bulky and stronger but slower?  Did they "devolve"?

    What if some other cheetahs got even leaner and faster? Are they more evolved or are the bulky ones more evolved?

    The answer is that "more evolved" is a red herring.  Habitats change all the time and evolution is a slow process.

  4. To clarify the last answer; populations evolve, individuals do not.

  5. I don't know about more evolved, but you are lucky to avoid the pain and the bills associated with their removal.

  6. Your dentist sounds amusing. Wisdom teeth don't really have a purpose. In most people, they actually can't come in. (I guess if they did come in, they would have helped out in the days before good oral hygeine.) You are "more evolved" because you have lost these "vestigial structures."

    You're lucky you don't have to get all four of them out. lol

  7. Oh my freakin god. I have this huge prejudice against freaks with less than 4 wisdom teeth..get your evolved *** outta here freakazoidiko.

  8. ............... believe him for now ............ it will make you feel nice .......... but don't be surprised if you get them when you are fifty, it has happened ............

  9. I never new anyone was born with any teeth,and especially not with wisdom teeth, i know a lot of people who grown older and get their teeth, and sometime only two will grown in, i really do not know what they mean when they said you are more evolved.

  10. just a theory...its not that believable...who is to tell?

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