
What does being drunk feel like?

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What does being drunk feel like?




  1. you dont have complete controll over yourself. It makes you take things less serious and you just feel........happy? and dizzy but then you throw up and get a huge headache and you feel really thirsty but then when you drink water, you throw up and its horrible.

  2. you feel all warm inside and relaxed..could be like me and some others i know-when we're drunk we talk way too much lol

  3. You lose control.

    It may feel fun for a while, but when you wake up in some creeps bed with a major hangover you start to regret that night of drinking.

    Drink responsibly.

  4. Generally everything's kind of fuzzy, but in a good way. A way that makes you happy. Other feelings can go along with drink, but I think a lot of it depends on the people you're with (if you're with anyone) and where you are. Generally your feelings are amplified and put to the forefront and your rational self is suppressed. So you feel... more energetic in all of your normal, non-drunk feelings. I suggest being with good friends, ones that make you happy.

  5. It varies from one to another. Me, Personally it makes me just more serene and laid back, a bit clumsy, and usually depending on how much I drink I get kind of goofy and  overly verbose, very spontaneous in my words, and sometimes actions(not always such a good thing). I've witnessed other people get very quiet or aggressive and others get loud and obnoxious.  It also depends on what you drink, I only had a few glasses of wine a few times with my parents at dinner so I'm not one to critique but many people I've seen have gotten more emotional while consuming. But again remember it's different for everyone, what one drink could make someone boisterous and loquacious could set another in to tears.

  6. It makes you loose control of every thing. Emotions self control and your sexual drive accelerates. usually why most women wake up wit a guy next to them or a guy with another guy!!!

  7. Different drinks gets you different feelings. But most of it will make you easier to laugh, easier to cry, easier to play, harder to concentrate.

    wine gets me emotional. Vodka gets me silly goofy.. etc.. you should try it, it is nothing to be afraid of and it is not addictive, unless you make it part of your daily life.

  8. it varies from one person to another

  9. It depends on what alcohol you are drinking and how much. When i am drunk, I tend to be more comical and I feel more loose. Some people get super aggressive but some are just laid back and chill.

  10. Varies with the induvidual. If you have Indian or Alaskian Indian blood, it will only take 2-4 beers to get you blotto and not a nice drunk. Some people should never get drunk and some are funny when drunk.

    If you are normal and are getting drunk at a wedding or an event where you are happy, 2-8 beers will get you feeling great. If you pass your limit, you will notice that you have trouble walking and maybe talking or worse, you have peeded your pants. At this point, if you have driven to the event, you need to be driven from the event.

    When you have truely overdone it, you will end up asleep or worse, awake and barfing your guts out. If you mix alcohol with a joint or two, you risk barfing and not having the gag reflex. You barf, you die!

    The thing about getting drunk is that you basically don't remember what you did. Someone, sometimes a stranger, has to tell you how much of a fool you were while drunk.   If the stranger is a policeman, you have a problem.

    If you have the memory and the evidence of a sexual event after awaking, you have to take the morning after pill and possibly a test for stds or AIDS. People take advantage of drunks. One friend said he slacked off after talking to a female friend who woke, nude in a ditch, someplace, with tredmarks across her back. She was so upset that she quit drinking and he cut way back because he was at the same party and had no memory of it.

  11. If you have never had anything to drink the best i can do is to ask if you have ever been so tired everything is its kinda like that but also how you would act around your bestest friends...just being silly

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