
What does being in prison on remand mean?

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What does being in prison on remand mean?




  1. It means you are kept in prison until your case goes before a court. Any sentence you get then, the time you spent on remand is deducted from the sentence you are given. A person is kept on remand where there is the possibility that they may not turn up for their court hearing.

  2. When a person is on bail to Court awaiting trial, if there is a possibility of them committing offences whilst on bail, or they have a bad record of not turning up at Court, or for the safety of their victims or for the safety of the defendant themselves or if they are homeless or for several other reasons, then they will be remanded into custody.

    This means they will be housed in a local prison and taken directly to Court on the day of their trial.

    The Courts will either then decide that they want them to remain on remand awaiting sentence or be released on bail pending sentencing or trial up to the point when the case is heard and the defendant is convicted.

  3. Three square meals a day, lots of rest, all home comforts, unlimited narcotics!

  4. it means you have to stay in jail till you go to court

    it also means that you are yet to be proven guilty nice little holiday camp for then BUT THEY ARE ALL INNOCENT im currently working in a remand prison little swines have no respect for anything the remark about holiday camp comes from the prisoners themselves as they tell us quite often while they are bragging about their crimes

  5. that you are being held in custody until trial for one or more of the following reasons:-

    You are deemed to be a danger to the public, or are in danger from the public or accomplices in the crime you are accused of

    You are charged with a very serious crime (murder, terrorism, firearms possession etc)

    You have a history of failing to appear in court / for bail or absconding from custody

    It is believed that you may interfere with witnesses or attempt to destroy evidence

    It is believed you may flee and fail to appear for trial

    Generally prisoners held on remand may wear their own clothes, vote, make canteen purchases beyond what is normally allowed, receive more visits than would normally be allowed, receive unlimited private cash from outside the prison, need not work and need not associate with any other prisoner that they dont wish to

  6. Being on remand means your in prison but haven't been tried or convicted yet.Remand is given to people accused of serious-usually violent-crimes or to people who are considered likely to flee the area before trial.

    If at trial your found guilty and given a prison sentence then the amount of time you've spent in jail on remand is deducted from that sentence.

  7. You are on remand before you go to trial , usually because the courts think that there is a good chance you will be found guilty , and that you maybe a flight risk

  8. It means you stay there until your trial.

  9. waiting 4 your sentence

  10. You stay in the slammer until you the trial and verdict unless someone can persuade the Court otherwise. The  plus side is that it is not a full prison regime and if you are guilty and sentenced to a spell in one of her Majesties Hotels   the time in remand is counted as time served

  11. It means they are refused bail and are remanded in custody and held until their trial.

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