
What does bi mean??? i don't really understand some explanation?

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please answer pacific!




  1. Bi means that you are emotionally and/or physically attracted to both sexes

    you don't have to like both genders in equal amounts you can lean toward guys or girls more

  2. Being a bisexual means you are both emotionally, and physically attracted to both the male and female s*x.

    It seems like many people confuse themselves for being bi when they are only physically attracted to both. It's more than the physical.

    If you can see yourself in a relationship with a boy and then again you could see yourself in a relationship with a girl, then you're bi.

    if you just think some girls are hot and some boys are hot but you can only see yourself dating boys or vice're most likely not bi.

  3. Take a look at the following 7-point scale of sexual orientation (developed by Alfred Kinsey in the 1940's).  There are only two orientations that are 100% "pure" - 0 = "pure heterosexuality" and 6 = "pure homosexuality."  All the rest (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) are differing degrees of bisexuality.  Only point #3 is EXACTLY in the middle, so it is easy to see that if one is bisexual, it is mathmatically more likely to be either a 1/2 or a 4/5.

    0 = Heterosexual (100% straight)

    1 = Primarily heterosexual, with just a little bit of homosexuality (bisexual % = about 80% straight / 20% g*y)

    2 = Primarily heterosexual, with a significant amount of homosexuality (bisexual % = about 60% straight / 40% g*y)

    3 = Bisexual (50% / 50% of feelings both ways)

    4 = Primarily homosexual, with a significant amount of heterosexuality (Bisexual % = about 60% g*y / 40% straight)

    5 = Primarily homosexual, with just a little bit of heterosexuality (bisexual % = about 80% g*y / 20% straight)

    6 = Homosexual (100% g*y)

  4. bi in english means two or both lol,if you are bi sexual in this case means that you like two s*x ,if you see almost all the words in english which start with the letters bi means two  

  5. To be specific..........

    Bi  in a sexual manor of speaking .. means a person who loves or enjoys having s*x with both male and females

  6. It just means you are attracted to people of both sexes. But it doesn't have to be 50/50. It could be 10/90 and you would still be bisexual.

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