
What does black magic consist of?

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what are some things people can do to you in regards to black magic?




  1. "True magic is neither black nor white. It is both because nature is both. Cruel and kind all in one. The only evil is in the heart of the witch...."    LoL, I'm definitely kidding...I got that from the movie The Craft. But I'm sure "black magic" consists of any magic whose intention is to set harm to someone.

  2. idk much, i just use 2 spells that are probably white. Black hooks with the Devil i think, white goes with God. Idk im only 13,

  3. I'm sure if they're serious they can force death on people.

    but remember: karma

    what goes around comes around.

  4. I think it's subjective; some people believe "black magic" is just a prejudiced term against certain kinds of witchcraft.

    But I believe that any magic designed to hurt another person, whether physically or emotionally, or which involves hurting another creature (including the magician themselves) is black and evil. For example, blood sacrifices or any magic involving blood.

    I would also say any magic designed to control another person (such as a love spell against a specific person) is also black, or at least grey.

  5. evil,evil, o and evil

  6. Magic is magic. There is no white or black magic. All magic is technically evil, or at least to the Christians. All religions have some kind of Magic in their beliefs and they vary in whether it is good or bad. that is where the, white or black, magic comes into it.

  7. Magic has no color, magic is energy and it is neither black,white, or grey.It is all about the user's intent.If you intend to hurt someone using magic you could consider black, but it isn't the energy that's black its the person who does the casting.

  8. Evil stuff

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