
What does bone taste like?

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You know, actual bone. What does it taste like?

And why do dogs love it so much?




  1. Never having eaten one I can't say, but the reason that dogs like them so much is for the marrow which is contained in them. All dogs like to chew and bones give them the opportunity to do so.

  2. 1) The world may never know!!

    2)They are dogs!! They eat anything!! They are supposed to eat bones!!

  3. I don't think bone tastes like anything, except what it came from. It's more of a textural thing. Dogs like bones because it has the flavor of some sort of meat on it.

  4. The marrow isn't too bad, it's a bit greasy, the pith tastes kinda like cooked blood in a way, and the outer part really doesn't have that strong of a taste to it.

  5. try sucking a ***** - get it =D

  6. it tastes like skin for about 5 minutes then it tastes like goo and u choke on it

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