
What does cgt mean? Somebody replied to a comment with it.?

by  |  earlier

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Yakko - hmm, nope, thats not it.

It's teenager language.




  1. it means your addicted to ecstasy

  2.     * Capital gains tax

        * Creatine Glutamine Taurine

        * Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, otherwise known as the French Line

        * General Confederation of Labour, referring to the name of various labour unions located in French, Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries

        * Combinatorial game theory

        * Computational group theory

        * Confédération générale du travail, the General Confederation of Labour in France

        * California Guitar Trio

        * Compensated Gross Tonnage

        * Porsche Carrera GT

  3. cool goat toe.  I carry around a goat toe for good luck.  You must as well.   In fact, you must have a cool one.   Good Job!

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