
What does checking eye pressure involve?

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I am getting my eye pressure checked on Monday , along with a visual fields , and i'm just wondering what all goes on in have your pressure taken ? i somethings get jumpy/nervous when at the doctors, and dont want to jump when they are taking the pressure.




  1. There are different ways for doctors to take pressures and do visual fields.  Pressures can be tested with the "puff" (non contact tonometry).  You will put your head into a headrest in front of a machine that will blow a small puff of air onto your eye.  It doesn't hurt at all, but it will make you jump because it's unexpected.  That's okay, though; everybody jumps on this kind of test.  ;)  Another way to take pressures is to use a small tip that gently presses against your cornea (Goldman tonometry).  While you have your head in a headrest, the optometrist will use a machine to do this.  This one also doesn't hurt and is very quick.  You don't even feel it.  All you have to do is hold still.

    Visual fields are usually tested with a machine that you look into and press a button when you see a light or lines.  There will be some kind of stimuli in your peripheral vision (the light or lines) and you just click when you notice them while fixating your vision straight ahead.  Different kinds of tests test visual fields in different ways, so it really depends on how your optometrist wants to do it.  This also doesn't hurt, and you should try to relax as much as possible.  (Following the doctor's finger is NOT a visual field test; it is a test for your eye muscles.)

    These tests are usually part of a regular eye exam, so don't get too nervous.  None of this should hurt, so let the doctor know if it does for some reason, but really you will be fine.  Good luck!

  2. eye pressure's simple, it can be that puff of air thing or this other little  thing that touches your eyeball to see how much it's bulging out. nothing to be scared of.

    visual fields is just tracking the doc's finger, and looking in every direction and different variations on that.

    don't worry it won't be scary

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